North Korea: “Israel-Palestinian conflict is entirely the fault of the US”
North Korea claimed on the 23rd that the armed conflict between Israel and the Palestinian armed group Hamas is the fault of the United States. North Korea's state-run Korean Central News Agency said in a commentary on the day, ``The situation in the Middle East is
"This is a tragedy entirely caused by the United States," and ``large-scale murderous warfare is intensifying in the Middle East due to the United States' biased and intentional incitement.''
The Korean Central News Agency reported that US President Joe Biden and other important US government officials visited Israel one after another and visited Israel on a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier.
He pointed out that they were stationed near Israel and claimed that they were ``actively inciting war.'' The United Nations Security Council also voted to authorize a humanitarian approach to the Gaza Strip.
He also pointed out that the adoption of the bill was rejected due to the United States exercising its veto power. The Korean Central News Agency said, ``The United States has obliterated all even small opportunities to prevent the situation in the Middle East from deteriorating,'' and ``This time as well,
He even criticized Europe, saying, "European allies, without any independent thinking or independence, are aligning themselves with the United States."
2023/10/23 08:00 KST
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