South Korea's Ministry of Industry plans to impose harsh penalties on lax management and ethical violations in public institutions
South Korea's Ministry of Trade, Industry and Resources has announced that it will take strict action based on the zero-tolerance principle if lax management or ethical violations are discovered at any of the 41 public institutions under its jurisdiction. This comes from the Diet, the Board of Audit, etc.
This action was taken in response to concerns raised about management and moral issues with the ministry and some public institutions. On the 31st of last month, the ministry held a meeting of vice-engineers at the Trade Insurance Corporation in Seoul to discuss public official discipline.
We verified the progress of improvements made to matters pointed out by external parties. Each agency will report its own improvement plans, and if a similar incident occurs again in the future, it will be strictly punished in accordance with the zero-tolerance principle.
The meeting also reviewed the implementation status of the third quarter of this year and plans for future measures in relation to the ``Public Institutions Innovation Plan'' formulated last year. As a result of the inspection, capacity adjustments and
Although budget cuts were being implemented smoothly, asset efficiency and welfare benefits were found to be inadequate compared to plans.
Initially, we planned to improve asset efficiency on the scale of 1.88 trillion won (approximately 210 billion yen).
However, until the third quarter of this year, the company had only achieved 720 billion won (approximately 80.6 billion yen), and only 75 of the 110 welfare-related improvement plans were improved.
Lee Won-joo, director of the Planning and Coordination Office, said, ``Liberate management and ethical violations of public institutions that do not meet the people's perspective will ultimately result in the government and public institutions
This should be used as an opportunity to eradicate this, as it will lead to public distrust in the system.''The Ministry of Industry will inspect the implementation status every month and manage and supervise the system through various communication channels.
2023/11/01 07:03 KST
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