”TWICE” Momo releases birthday ad gift from fans... Conveys love with authentication shot
Momo of the group TWICE has authenticated birthday advertisement presents from fans. On the 9th, Momo posted on her Instagram, ``Thank you for celebrating my birthday.
Many photos were posted along with the caption, ``I'm here.'' In the photo, Momo is visiting an advertising billboard that a fan gave him as a gift to commemorate his birthday.
Momo expressed her love for her fans by recreating her appearance on the billboard in natural fashion. Momo also exudes a cute charm, even in the dark.
She boasted of her shining beauty. Meanwhile, TWICE, to which Momo belongs, will be in Nagoya from December 16th to 17th, Jakarta, Indonesia on the 23rd, Fukuoka from the 27th to 28th, and Mexico from February 2nd to 3rd next year.
The tour will be held in Mexico City, Brazil, and Sao Paulo, Brazil, from the 6th to the 7th.
2023/11/09 17:54 KST
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