South Korea's ruling party proposes a special law this week to ``incorporate Gimpo City into Seoul''... ``Any area that wants to become a mega city''
South Korea's ruling party, People's Power, announced on the 13th that it plans to introduce a bill this week to accommodate regions that wish to be incorporated into Seoul. Targeting not only parts of the metropolitan area such as Gimpo City, but also major cities across the country.
Ru. The party says it will promote a megacity strategy. Cho Kyung-tae, chairman of the party's New City Project Special Committee, spoke on the same day after concluding his third meeting at the National Assembly.
``In the name of the special committee members, we plan to submit a bill this week that includes the incorporation into Seoul,'' he said at a press conference. The type of bill has not yet been determined, but special laws and general corporations are reportedly being considered.
In response to a question about whether there are other areas other than Gimpo that will be incorporated into Seoul, Cho said, ``If we want to create a megacity, not just Seoul, we will make no distinction between any areas, not just the metropolitan area.''
He explained, ``We will proceed in a bottom-up rather than a top-down manner.The degree of citizen participation and the will of the citizens are important.'' Mr. Cho said that the New City Project was not a general election promise.
He also reiterated that there is no such thing. “During last year's presidential election, the megacity strategy was a common campaign promise of both parties.
"There is," he pointed out. On the other hand, the opposition party ``Democratic Party of Japan (Democratic Party)'' is opposing the ``3-axis megacities (Seoul, Busan, Gwangju)'' advocated by the people's power, and is promoting ``super-wide-area megacities in the 5 poles and 3 special regions''.
is suggesting. The idea is to make the metropolitan area, southeastern region, Daegyeong region, central region, and Honan region into five regions, and to make three regions, including Gangwon, Jeonbuk, and Jeju, special autonomous provinces. Mr. Zhao said, ``The Democratic Party is the same megacity.
"They say the strategies are different, but we should stop opposing for the sake of opposing." The committee is scheduled to visit Guri City, Gyeonggi Province, on the afternoon of the 15th to hear public opinion regarding the Seoul incorporation plan.

2023/11/14 06:39 KST
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