Last April's indoor swimming pool roof collapse accident in Zhengzhou, China, caused by aging building - Chinese report
On the 14th, the city's emergency management bureau reported on the results of an investigation into the cause of the roof collapse accident of an indoor swimming pool that occurred in Zhengzhou City, Henan Province, China, in April last year.
The accident occurred at around 10:50 a.m. (local time) on April 18, 2022. The roof of an indoor swimming pool at a hotel in the city's Kinsui Ward collapsed, killing three people and injuring nine others.
As a result of an investigation by city authorities, it was determined that the aging building was the direct cause of the accident. The roof of the pool has been exposed to high humidity for a long time and has corroded, causing the strength and stability of some of the pillars to deteriorate.
It is said that he was This caused a collapse accident. The hotel's manager, Mr. Wang, was indicted in October this year. The trial will proceed in the future. In addition, 4 people including the person responsible for managing the indoor pool
was given an administrative penalty and ordered to pay a fine.
2023/11/15 15:30 KST
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