韓国、「ユネスコ執行理事国」に5回連続 “当選”…安保理進出につづき「快挙」
South Korea has been elected as a member of the UNESCO Executive Council for the fifth time in a row...a great achievement after advancing to the Security Council
South Korea has been elected as a member of the UNESCO Executive Council for the period 2023-2027. Korea has already advanced to international organizations by becoming a non-permanent member of the United Nations Security Council for the 2024-2025 term.
As a result, China's position as a ``global central country'' has been solidified. According to the South Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) on the 16th, South Korea held a conference in Paris, France on the 15th (local time).
He was elected to the UNESCO Executive Council at the NESCO General Assembly. This marks South Korea's fifth consecutive election as an executive council member since 2007.
The UNESCO Executive Board has the authority to make proposals, deliberate, and make decisions regarding UNESCO's major projects and administrative matters.
It is a core decision-making body with limited capacity and is made up of 58 board members out of 194 member states. South Korea's Ministry of Foreign Affairs said, ``For the next four years, as a member of UNESCO's executive council, we will be the main participants in various UNESCO discussions.''
We plan to take a leading role in this and make even more active efforts to achieve UNESCO's goal of ``international peace and the common prosperity of mankind.''
2023/11/16 15:26 KST
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