North Korea's Ministry of Defense criticizes the US-South Korea SCM... ”We will embark on concrete military actions”
North Korea used the recently held ``US-South Korea Security Consultative Conference (SCM),'' which was attended by the US and South Korean defense ministers, as an excuse to announce that it would ``begin taking concrete military actions in the future.''
On the 16th, North Korea's Ministry of Defense issued a statement released by a spokesperson through North Korea's state-run Korean Central News Agency, saying, ``This is a puppet land used by U.S. military officials.''
"The actions in the region clearly show that the United States and its followers are the main culprits in escalating the situation on the Korean Peninsula."
He continued, ``American imperial belligerents and their followers aimed for a nuclear first strike against our Republic.''
They agreed to revise their ``Tailored Deterrence Strategy,'' and to put into operation a real-time missile information sharing system between the United States, Japan, and their puppets by the end of the year.''
They are acting in an extremely confrontational manner, such as by bringing attack groups into puppet areas.'' South Korean Defense Minister Shin Won-sik and U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin took advantage of the SCM.
For the first time in 10 years, Japan revised the Tailor-made Deterrence Strategy (TDS), a strategic document designed to respond to North Korea's nuclear and missile threats.
The details of the "strategic document" were not made public as it is a military secret, but it is
The plan appears to include the use of all the capabilities of the U.S.-South Korea alliance, including the integration of U.S. nuclear capabilities and South Korea's advanced conventional forces, in preparation for the possible use of nuclear weapons.
2023/11/16 16:58 KST
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