A 7-story apartment building collapsed in China's Jiangxi province... declared a dangerous building a year ago = Chinese report
A seven-story apartment building in Fuzhou, Jiangxi Province, China, collapsed. This building was declared a dangerous building a year ago, and all rooms are currently vacant.
cormorant. At around 11 a.m. (local time) on the 19th, a seven-story apartment building in the city's Nanfeng prefecture collapsed, the prefectural government authorities announced.
The apartment building was built in 1993. In May 2022, the prefectural authorities began an investigation and classified the house as dangerous due to the risk of collapse.
received the approval. Authorities then issued an evacuation order to the residents living in the apartment complex at the time, and everyone moved elsewhere. After all the rooms were empty, authorities cut off electricity, gas, and other supplies.
Safety measures were taken, including installing a fence around the apartment complex. After the collapse, the site was inspected, but no injuries were reported.
2023/11/20 16:00 KST
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