“Do I have to brush my teeth before going to work?” Online controversy over tooth-brushing etiquette = South Korea
In South Korea, an office worker's story about whether it was a problem to wake up in the morning and go to work without brushing his teeth has sparked an online controversy. On the 19th, ``Blind'' from the company employee anonymous community asked ``Do you brush your teeth in the morning?''
I had a quarrel with my wife over this, but am I crazy?' was posted. Mr. A, who works at a large company, said, ``I always wake up at 6 o'clock to get ready to arrive to work, and at 7:30 I get to work in the morning.
Brush your teeth after eating. However, my wife says, ``If you're going to go out, brush your teeth before you go out.''''
He continued, ``When you arrive to work, taking a nutritional supplement and drinking a sip of water is enough to get rid of bad breath.''
I think that. I think I should brush my teeth after eating, but (if I follow my wife's instructions) I have to brush my teeth four times a day. Isn't it common to eat three times (after each meal)?"
did. She also wrote, ``Does everyone brush their teeth when they wake up in the morning? I don't know about the trends that have changed recently. No matter who I ask, it's vague, so I'd like to ask how everyone is doing it.''
Internet users who saw the article said, ``Brushing your teeth is a minimum of etiquette for the sake of the people around you,'' ``Brushing your teeth can cause bad breath, but it is a must for your dental health,'' and ``Brushing your teeth is a must for your dental health.''
It is his opinion that just one sip will eliminate bad breath." On the other hand, ``I don't think it's a problem unless you're talking to someone while arriving to work.''
"It doesn't really matter if you don't go to a restaurant and eat while wearing a mask," some netizens said. On the other hand, the amount of plaque that causes cavities is usually highest when you sleep at night.
arise. Therefore, brushing your teeth immediately after waking up can remove plaque.
2023/11/20 20:51 KST
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