``I'm a lawyer''...Father of examinee threatens supervisor who uncovered cheating in talent exam = South Korea
"I'm a lawyer. If you ruin my child's life, I'll ruin yours too." Cheating on the 2024 University Scholastic Aptitude Test (Scholastic Aptitude Test)
There was an incident in which the parents of the students who had been arrested for the exam visited the school of the supervisor, protested, and yelled abusive language. Regarding this, Seoul City Superintendent Cho Hee-young said, ``This is a criminal act such as defamation and intimidation.''
He made it clear that he would deal with the matter decisively. Prior to this, on the 16th, when the exam was held, at a school in Seoul, a test taker tried to mark his answer sheet after the bell rang to mark the end of the exam, and the supervisor caught him.
was arrested for misconduct. In response, the guardian of the student in question visited the school where the supervisor works, staged a one-man demonstration, and uttered abusive language.
According to the union, examinees and their mothers will be asked to meet with supervisors from the 17th, the day after completing their training.
I even visited the teaching office. On the same day, the student's father also visited the school and verbally abused the supervisor over the phone, saying, ``(I'm) a lawyer, and since you ruined my child's life, I'm going to ruin yours too.''
The union reported that he had vomited. On the 21st, a picket demonstration continued in front of the school gate for students taking entrance exams. It was learned that the supervisor was so frightened by this that he took sick leave and was absent from school. Also, the protection of religious authority
A request was made to convene a protection committee meeting, and surveillance cameras and audio recordings were submitted to the Education Agency. Regarding this incident, the Seoul City Office of Education will take firm action against the illegal act of intimidating the training supervisor, including taking action to prosecute.
It is said that On the same day, Superintendent Cho posted on his Facebook page, ``The supervisor detected the student's misconduct through objective judgment. All three supervisors agreed with this decision.
The decision was made to protect the fairness of the matter." He further criticized, ``Picketing in front of the school by personally securing the former supervisor's identity and threatening him is a very wrong way to raise objections.''
2023/11/23 20:52 KST
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