Although the death penalty was sought, the first trial sentenced her to ``life imprisonment...'' Chung Yoo-jung, the defendant who murdered a woman of the same age, = South Korea
Jung Yoo-jung (23), who is accused of murdering a woman of the same age in Busan, mutilating her body, and abandoning her body, was sentenced to life imprisonment in the first trial. The prosecutor said, ``I want him to be sentenced to death.''
However, this was not accepted. On the morning of the 24th, the Busan District Court sentenced Chung, who is charged with murder, to life imprisonment, and ordered him to wear an electronic leg ring for 30 years.
ordered to wear a location tracking device). The trial chamber said, ``This case was a planned and meticulous crime,'' and ``After deciding to commit murder, the defendant diligently searched for the target and even made plans to damage and abandon the body.''
"I was," he explained. Defendant Chung used a part-time job agency app to look for victims by pretending to be a student's guardian and looking for a tutor.
The court stated, ``As the defendant grew up, he suffered from resentment and anger towards his family, a sense of helplessness due to his repeated failures in going to university and finding a job, and a sense of helplessness towards others.
``It appears that these accumulated negative emotions led him to commit the crime.''
During the trial, Chung submitted a statement of remorse for the 10th time, saying, ``Please give me a chance to live a new life.''
However, it was not accepted. The court stated, ``Although he has submitted many statements of remorse, it is doubtful whether he is truly remorseful,'' and added, ``The behavior he has shown since his arrest until now is premeditated and deliberate.''
"It's intentional," he said. However, the prosecutor's request for the death penalty was not accepted. The court stated, ``The environment in which the defendant grew up appears to have influenced the formation of an abnormal personality,'' and ``the defendant's
Although the legal sentiment is sufficient to warrant severe punishment, life imprisonment is appropriate." Although Chung was sentenced to life in prison, this does not mean that his chances of returning to society have been completely eliminated.
do not have. Under current law, life imprisonment prisoners are eligible for parole after serving 20 years. Even if Jeong, who is 23 years old this year, is sentenced to prison, he will be able to return to society at the age of 43.
The decision on whether or not to grant parole is a matter that is decided by the Ministry of Justice (the Ministry is equivalent to the Ministry), not the court. The Ministry of Justice considers how the person lived in prison, the method of the crime, and the extent of the damage caused.
Decide on release. According to the Correctional Statistics Chronology released by the Ministry of Justice last year, the number of paroled prisoners with life sentences between 2012 and 2021 was an average of 10.5 per year.
Currently, the Ministry of Justice is promoting the introduction of a ``life sentence without parole'' system, but it has not yet been able to get through the Diet. destination
It was passed by the State Council on March 30th and is scheduled to be submitted to the National Assembly. At the time, Minister of Justice Han Dong-hoon explained that the system was ``absolutely necessary to protect good citizens from heinous crimes.''
However, there are growing concerns.
2023/11/24 11:57 KST
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