Students studying in ``hospitals'' due to spread of respiratory disease... Education authorities impose ``homework ban'' in China
In China, as school classes are being suspended one after another due to the spread of a respiratory disease, an unusual situation unfolds in which ``sick students spend several hours in the hospital doing their homework while being hooked up to an intravenous drip.''
It is. On the 29th, local media such as the Chinese Communist Party's official newspaper People's Daily reported that due to the spread of respiratory diseases such as mycoplasma pneumonia, temporary class closures and academic measures were implemented in various parts of China.
There are many situations where classes are not held normally due to students not attending. Hospitals are also said to be ``saturated.'' Pediatric hospitals in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangdong Province, Fujian Province, etc., are treating cases such as high fevers of 38 degrees or higher.
The hospital is overflowing with children with respiratory illnesses who are showing symptoms and are being transferred to other hospitals. In some hospitals, elementary school students are doing their homework at desks in the hallway while receiving IV drips.
That has become a problem. Parents are complaining that their children have to study even at the hospital because they assign so much homework at school.
In response, Beijing authorities sent a letter to schools on the 25th, stating that ``the number of infected children is rapidly increasing due to the spread of respiratory diseases.''
``For the health security of students, infected teachers and students must not come to school until they have fully recovered and must rest at home.''
He also asked that ``students who have developed the disease should not be given homework so that they can focus on treatment.''
The Education Bureau of Shandong Province also said, ``Preventing the spread of respiratory infections is our top priority, and we are making sure that students who have not fully recovered are not stressed out due to homework.''
"Yo," he instructed.
2023/11/29 17:02 KST
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