Samsung drastically reduces number of executive promotions due to uncertain business environment...lowest in the past six years = South Korea
Samsung Electronics' 2024 regular executive personnel promotions saw only 143 people promoted, the lowest number in the past six years. Executive promotion amid continued uncertainty in the global business environment
It appears that the range of progress has been suppressed. Samsung Electronics announced on the 29th that it has appointed 51 vice presidents, 77 managing directors, 1 fellow, and 14 masters (Fellows and Masters are the highest in the research and development department).
It was announced that a total of 143 people, including high school experts), had been promoted. The total number of promotions was approximately 24, compared to last year's total of 187 people, including 59 vice presidents, 107 managing directors, 2 fellows, and 19 masters.
%Diminished. In particular, the number of people promoted to managing director decreased by 30 compared to the previous year, which was the largest decrease. After selecting 158 executives in 2019, the company will hire 162 executives in 2020 and 214 executives in 2021.
The range of promotions has steadily increased. However, the number of new executive promotions has been reduced for three years starting in 2022 (198 people). Regarding this personnel appointment, the company said, ``We are responding to the uncertainties of the global business environment.''
``Promoting personnel to overcome these challenges and build a foundation for sustainable future growth.'' However, ``we will promote leaders with business results and growth potential to the position of vice president, and create a foundation for sustainable growth in the future.''
"We have strengthened the system," he said. In fact, following last year, the company actively appointed a managing director in his 30s and a vice president in his 40s, focusing on generational change by selecting young leaders with growth potential.
In the DS category, Kang Dong-gu (47), Kim Il-ryong (49), Park Se-geun (49), Hwang Hee-dong (49), and in the DX category, Park Tae-sang (48), Jung Hye-sun (
48) were each promoted to vice president. In his 30s, Song Wan-ik (39) of the DX department, who led the development of the Galaxy S series, was newly appointed as an officer.
Furthermore, since the appointment of Lee JeYeon as chairman, the management philosophy that emphasizes ``technical talent'' has been reflected in the current executive personnel changes. The company is ``software experts and the next generation.''
We aimed to promote a large number of talented people in the new technology field to secure the core growth engine for the future." The company has completed personnel changes to its management team through the regular personnel changes in 2024, and will soon
We plan to finalize and announce organizational reorganization and assistant personnel in 2020.
2023/11/30 05:28 KST
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