All Disabled Federation will launch a propaganda campaign tomorrow morning during subway arrive to work hours... ``Reflect the budget for the rights of people with disabilities'' = South Korea
The National Solidarity for the Elimination of Discrimination against Persons with Disabilities (Japan Disability Federation) held a rally in front of Marronnier Park in Jongno-gu, Seoul on the afternoon of the 30th, ahead of 'World Day of Persons with Disabilities' (December 3rd), to promote the elimination of discrimination against persons with disabilities.
urged its abolition. After holding a sit-in all night in Marronnier Park on that day, officials from the Japan Federation of Disabled Persons plan to hold a campaign to promote arrival to work at 8 a.m. the next day at Hyehwa Station on Subway Line 4.
is. Kwon Dal-joo, permanent co-representative of the National Federation of Disabilities, said at the meeting, ``I have said many times that ``I want people with disabilities to move around in the local community, work, and receive education,'' but the Yoon Seo-gyul government
The prefecture didn't want to listen. If the budget for the rights of people with disabilities were to be reflected, I said I would suspend riding the subway during arrive-to-work hours, but I have yet to hear back from the politicians of People's Power (ruling party).
” he said. He further added, ``We must change the reality in which police shields come before politicians' promises to guarantee rights.In a reality where people with disabilities are completely excluded, we must fight to ensure that our rightful rights are met.''
Let's create rights and jobs for them." Organizers estimate that there were about 1,000 participants (police estimates are about 600).
People are also citizens,'' they shouted. At the same time, about 20 people, including Park Kyung-seok, permanent co-chair of the National Disability Federation, were at the transfer terminal at Sichon (City Hall) station on Subway Lines 1 and 2, suffering from serious illness in Seoul.
An attempt was made to hold a resolution rally to denounce the abolition of jobs for people with disabilities, but the attempt failed because the Seoul Transportation Corporation and the police asked them to leave.
Representative Park said, ``(Seoul City's decision) is an important step that has progressed one step at a time.
This is a very unfortunate situation that degrades the rights of people with disabilities. I hope (Mayor Oh Sehun) stops trying to solve the problem by dividing the Federation of Disabled People and promoting hatred."
. On the 23rd, the Seoul Transportation Corporation announced a hard-line plan to block the subway demonstrations organized by the All Handicapped Federation. The next day, Park's representative, who was doing a publicity campaign at the platform of Hyehwa Station, was charged with violating the Railway Safety Act.
I was even arrested by the police.
2023/11/30 22:01 KST
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