A traffic police officer in China's Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region swings a baton at a moving motorcycle... = Chinese report
On the morning of the 30th in China, a video showing a traffic police officer swinging his baton at an oncoming electric motorcycle, causing the motorcycle to fall over, was posted online and caused controversy.
According to local media reports, the video was taken around 4pm (local time) on the 29th in Hezhou City, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. Traffic police standing in the middle of the road
The police officer took out his baton and swung it at the electric motorcycle that was running towards him. In the video, he appears to hit the driver in the arm with a baton.
The driver fell down along with his motorcycle, and traffic police tried to help him stand up, but it appeared that he was injured.
He is sitting down holding his arm. Other footage showed the driver being loaded into an ambulance. When these videos were released, netizens started shouting, ``Isn't this violent law enforcement?''
” a voice said. In response, the Hezhou City Public Security Bureau Traffic Police Branch released an official document on the afternoon of the 30th. According to the announcement, several traffic police officers conducted an operation in the city around 4 p.m. on the 29th.
They were cracking down on traffic violations. There, they discovered an electric motorcycle running without a license plate. A traffic police officer used a baton to restrain the motorcyclist as he tried to run away.
It is said that it has stopped. The man was taken to a hospital and received treatment. The traffic police officer in question has currently been removed from duty, and the Police Supervision Department is conducting a detailed investigation.
2023/12/01 15:38 KST
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