President Yoon makes year-end donation… “The spirit of fraternity is the foundation of a true democratic society” = South Korea
On the afternoon of the 4th, South Korean President Yoon Seo-gyeol invited officials and donors from 14 donation and sharing organizations to the Yongsan Presidential Room for a meeting to donate money to each organization.
The invitational event on the same day was held in order for the president to personally express his gratitude to donors, ambassadors, and organizations that have contributed to the practice and spread of sharing, and to encourage concern and consideration for socially vulnerable groups.
Ta. The event was attended by 30 donors and officials from 14 organizations including the Salvation Army, Good Neighbors, Community Chest of Social Welfare, World Vision, UNICEF, and Green Umbrella Children's Foundation, as well as Cho Kyu-heon from the Ministry of Health and Welfare.
The Minister, Jang Sang-yoon, head of society, and others participated. Spokesman Kim Soo-kyung said in a written briefing, ``Prior to the formal meeting, President Yoon visited the commemorative booths of 14 organizations.
We then took a commemorative photo together and expressed our gratitude to each organization for their efforts." At the meeting, participants from participating organizations and donors shared their volunteer experiences and impressions.
Ta. President Yoon said, ``It warms my heart and makes me very happy to meet everyone who always extends a warm hand to their poor neighbors.'' He continued, ``Help the poor people yourself in the private sector.''
This is the spirit of fraternity, which is a very important force that supports our society.'' ``The spirit of fraternity, which values and loves one's neighbors, and is willing to share and give, is the basis of a true democratic society.'' strength
I tuned it. President Yoon also said, ``It is important for the government's welfare system to take a close look at how volunteer donation organizations are working and work together to correct any deficiencies.''
'' he added.
2023/12/05 09:37 KST
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