≪Korean TV Series REVIEW≫ ”Sacred Idol” Episode 8 synopsis and behind-the-scenes story...Kim MIN-GYU's wire action = behind-the-scenes story and synopsis
*Contains plot summary and spoilers. *There is a making video on the Wowkorea page. From the beginning of the video to 2:15.
This time, we will take a look at the shooting scene of the wire action scene. Kim MIN-GYU is wearing wire and angel wings. shyly
Kim MIN-GYU tries, but when he is lifted up with a wire, he looks scared. ``Does your side hurt?'' ``Oh, it hurts,'' he asked the director. Meng Wu Xin appeared and was photographed.
Flow. In the scene where he picks up Lenbrary and puts sweets in his mouth to make him shut up, he bursts out laughing during the rehearsal. After that, I tried to pick her up, but I couldn't. After that,
He uses his ears to try to catch Kim MIN-GYU who has come down, but his movements don't match and it looks like he's having a hard time. Somehow, the shooting of the two of them ended. Next, it turns into a wild animal dormitory.
It looks like it's a friendly atmosphere and fun. Kim MIN-GYU, who was looking inside with binoculars, was impressed and said, ``Wow, you can see clearly.'' The two of them are having fun pretending to hit Jeong-seo. "I'm the devil
It's the king! ” said Kim MIN-GYU. ●Reactions from Korean netizens● “Ep12 is up so it will be over soon” “Everyone is cute” “Everyone is handsome” “MIN-GYU is so cool”
“I wonder what will happen at the end” ●Synopsis● In tvNTV Series “Sacred Idol” EP8 (viewer rating 1.3%), Dal (Go BoGyeol) confesses his true feelings to Renbrary (Kim MIN-GYU).
The situation was depicted. Rembrary had to prepare a date before appearing on a variety show. Dal said, ``I have to start preparing for the date.
I don't want to. Aren't priests supposed to date? ” he said. Daru openly confessed his true feelings because he was under the influence of black magic. Lembrary said, ``There's nothing I can do for now.''
Daru wondered, "That's not true. Then why is it not okay for me to express my feelings of admiration?" Lembrary confessed, ``It's better not to confuse each other...'' Dal is
"Isn't it okay not to get confused? Isn't it okay for someone to visit you over and over again, to take care of you, and to risk their lives to help you? It's natural to have feelings for the person who risked their life to save you. About
"I guess so," he said firmly. Lembrary asked, ``Last time you said you didn't have any feelings. What are your true feelings?'' and Dal replied, ``I want you to stay here.''
I don't want you to go home.'' Lembrary expressed his sadness, saying, ``What should I do if I stay here? What should I do with Daru if I stay here?''


2023/12/06 10:02 KST
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