”New Jeans” Minzy directly captures malicious posts during LIVE STREAM... ”What is this... terrible?”
Korean girl group New Jeans and management office ADOR have taken decisive action against malicious posts.
On the 5th, ADOR announced through its fan community, ``We want to reach out to as many people as possible.
However, due to some malicious comments, we have decided not to allow comments on LIVE STREAM in the future because we want people to enjoy communicating with NewJeans.
"We plan to change the site so that it can only be used by registered members." It continued, ``Malicious slander and insults related to ``New Jeans,'' including past malicious comments.
"We are constantly taking legal action against acts such as defamation caused by the spread of false information."
We will do our best to make sure everyone has fun using Phoning (fan community app)."
Recently, members Minji and Hae In communicated with fans on LIVE STREAM.
I had time to do a lot of things. When Hae-in saw the comment, she looked surprised and said, ``What is this? This is terrible.'' Min-ji firmly said, ``Capture it,'' and grabbed her phone.
He showed himself operating a phone. After that, Hae-in asked Min-ji, ``Unnie (the name used by younger women to call older women they are close to), have you memorized that person's ID?
"It's really bad," he said, adding, "I just saw some shocking comments." In response, Minji said, ``Capture
"I did it," he chided Hae In, making fans feel disappointed. In the end, ADOR came out and took immediate measures such as charging for comments on LIVE STREAM.
``NewJeans'', which is made up of all teenagers, has been overworked due to persistent malicious comments since their debut in August last year. was a minor at the time
As a member, there have been rumors of sensationalism raised by some, and even excessively speculative and malicious posts have been generated.
We plan to take legal action against them,'' and strongly warned that ``under no circumstances will there be a righteous solution or agreement.'' In addition, ADOR has repeatedly defamed, insulted, and
It has been announced that it will take strong action against malicious posts such as sexual harassment, falsehoods, and malicious slander. In addition, someone made a malicious comment on the music video of "OMG", and Minzy
A cookie video was also inserted into the scene in which the author says, ``Let's go!'' to the person who wrote the sentence.
2023/12/06 13:57 KST
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