Seven baby pandas were born this year at the Qinling Giant Panda Research Center...They are growing rapidly - Chinese report
On the 5th, the Forestry and Grassland Bureau of Shaanxi Province, China, announced that this year, a total of seven pandas, five males and two females, were being collected at the Qinling Giant Panda Research Center (Shaanxi Provincial Rare Wildlife Rescue Base). Ji
It was announced that a giant panda was born. On August 9th, ``Jong Jeong'' gave birth to male twins, and ``An An'' gave birth to male and female twins. 4 animals on the same day at the same center.
This is the first time a baby panda has been born. Then, on August 14th, "Ya Ya" gave birth to a male panda. On September 6th, ``Mingming'' gave birth to male and female twins.
did. The second panda cub born at Mingming weighed less than 60 grams, making it the lightest panda ever born at the center. Current weight is 4 kg
ing. The other six animals have all reached 5 kg in weight and are growing rapidly. Qinling Giant Panda Research Center is one of the three major panda breeding research bases in China.
. Currently, they are breeding 49 pandas.
2023/12/06 15:59 KST
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