Game and IT company NHN to establish labor union... Preparatory committee formed = South Korea
NHN, a mid-sized Korean game and IT company, has announced plans to establish a labor union. On the 6th, it was learned that a job posting for the labor union formation preparatory committee was posted on the company's internal network. N
HN operates the online game site ``Hangame'' and the QR/barcode payment service ``PAYCO.''
The Preparatory Committee considers that there are no problems with the company's treatment of workers or labor management practices.
However, he argued that forming a trade union is a right guaranteed by the constitution and law, and that NHN employees are entitled to demand better working conditions. In addition, if there is a body that represents the opinions of employees,
It was said to be beneficial for both labor and management. The preparatory committee reportedly consulted the Chemical Fibers and Food Industry Labor Union, which is affiliated with the National Federation of Democratic Labor Unions, regarding organizational methods and procedures for joining a branch. To the chemical fiber union
, Naver, Kakao, and many other IT and game company labor unions belong to it. If a labor union is formed at NHN, it will be the sixth union in the Korean game industry.
2023/12/07 06:34 KST
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