Former President Moon Jae-in read the book ``Nuclear Inflection Point'' by North Korean nuclear authority Professor Siegfried Hecker.
He introduced ``POINT'' and argued that the abandonment of the agreement and suspension of dialogue had accelerated North Korea's nuclear development. Yun・
This appears to be a roundabout criticism of the So-gyul (Yun Seok-yue) government's decision to partially suspend the validity of the September 19 Inter-Korean Military Agreement, which is an annex to the September 19 Joint Declaration in the military field.
Former President Moon recently posted on his SNS, ``Dr. Hecker's ``Nuclear Inflection Point'' is the result of the repeated failures of the North Korean nuclear entity and the diplomatic efforts made to suppress it.
This book is a must-read for anyone who wants to know why North Korea's nuclear issue has been resolved, or at least curtailed, through diplomacy.
"This empirical evidence shows that we have repeatedly missed opportunities and worsened the situation due to overly ideological political decisions, rather than rational choices."
``Contrary to the claims of those who oppose dialogue, diplomacy and dialogue did not give North Korea time to advance its nuclear capabilities, but rather that the abandonment of the agreement and suspension of dialogue gave North Korea time.''
"This demonstrates the fact that Japan has promoted nuclear development." Former President Moon mentioned the term "abandoning the agreement" in reference to the Yun government's suspension of the September 19 inter-Korean military agreement.
This appears to have been a major criticism. On the 22nd of last month, the government suspended the effect of the clause restricting North Korea's reconnaissance capabilities in the ``9.19 Inter-Korean Military Agreement'' in response to North Korea's third military reconnaissance satellite launch.
Ta. Prior to this, former President Moon attended the 5th anniversary of the September 19 Pyongyang Joint Declaration in September and insisted that the September 19 inter-Korean military agreement must be upheld.
At the time, former President Moon said, ``Now that inter-Korean relations have collapsed, the inter-Korean military agreement serves as the last safety pin,'' adding, ``If the denuclearization issue is resolved someday, the
I hope that the military agreement will be further developed and that we will move to the stage of reducing our armaments to conventional armaments." "We must respond decisively to North Korea's continued provocations," he added.
However, in the end, we have no choice but to resolve the crisis in inter-Korean relations through dialogue.''We must not only respond resolutely to provocations, but also demonstrate the wisdom to prevent the crisis from turning into a conflict through sincere efforts at dialogue.''
'', emphasizing the importance of dialogue between North and South. On the other hand, former President Moon said, ``If we lose the balance of diplomacy by leaning too much toward camp diplomacy, we may lose more than we gain from security and the economy.''
He criticized the Yun government's US-centered foreign policy, saying, ``We need a delicate diplomatic strategy that carries out balanced diplomacy while placing maximum emphasis on alliances.''
Regarding former President Moon's remarks, Kim Ye-ryong, a spokesperson for the ruling party's People's Power, said, ``Former President Moon declared the end of the war throughout his five years in office.''
I still have vivid memories of his one-sided courtship and unrequited love for North Korea. We should also remember that North Korea's only response was a threat to South Korea's people and territory."
He then retorted, saying, ``What was the result of the policy of just talking about peace, placating North Korea, and complaining to North Korea?I want former President Moon to answer.''
2023/12/10 15:16 KST
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