Kian 84 x Dex, first boxing debut in Africa
On MBC's ``Born Around the World Season 3'', Kian 84 and Dex enter a fighting arena in Africa and make their first ``boxing'' debut match. with powerful land formers
The thrilling big match was teased, and expectations for the main broadcast are high. The third episode of the program, which will be broadcast today (10th) from 9:10 p.m., will feature the essence of African excitement.
The battle between Kian 84 and Dex, who have issued a challenge, unfolds. Looking at the published photos, "physical brothers" Kian 84 and Dex become athletes and make their first "boxing" debut.
The image of them fighting is captured and attracts attention. I'm curious as to what circumstances led to these two taking part in the match.
Dex's desire to compete against the strong was triggered by the heat of the venue, and he said, ``It's not easy for me either.''
Show a strong sense of confidence to your opponent. In addition, Kian 84, who does exercises such as kickboxing, Muay Thai, and boxing, and cannot afford to miss out, is preparing for a real boxing match and is mentally ill.
Show a completely changed appearance. The first "boxing" debut match between "physical brothers" Kian 84 and Dex, who do not miss exercise even on their trip to Madagascar, will be broadcast on the 10th.
You can check it out in ``Around the World Season 3''.
2023/12/10 15:13 KST
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