Police open criminal case over school violence at junior high school in Guangdong province, China = Chinese report
Police have filed a criminal case against a middle school boy in Yangchun, Yangjiang City, Guangdong Province, China, where he was assaulted by a classmate on the 4th of this month and fell into a coma.
Ta. Prior to this, in the early hours of the 7th, the Yoharu City Education Bureau revealed that male student A had been assaulted by a classmate at a junior high school in Yoharu City. ``A and his classmate B got into a fight, and B
After hitting A-kun in the back of the head with the handle of the float, he then hit A-kun in the head several times with his fist, causing injuries.'' Later, when local media spoke to Mr. A's relatives, they said, ``Actually, Mr. A...
It was revealed that there were three students who assaulted the student. According to Mr. A's relatives, at the time of the incident, Mr. A was asked by a classmate to help him with his homework, but he refused and an argument ensued.
Afterwards, three people who were present at the scene, including B, assaulted A. Three classmates who are said to have assaulted A-kun are currently in police custody. Two of them are under 14 years old
Therefore, he cannot be held criminally responsible. Police said, ``We cannot reveal specific information at this stage,'' and ``Please wait for the official announcement.''
2023/12/11 16:00 KST
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