北朝鮮、韓国の “即刻・強力・最後まで懲らしめる”に…「狂犬の発狂だ」と猛非難
North Korea slams South Korea's ”immediate, strong, and final punishment”... calling it ”a mad dog gone mad”
North Korea strongly objected to the US-South Korea joint military exercises, South Korea's own military exercises, and its policy of ``responding immediately and resolutely in the event of provocation.''
The Rodong Sinmun, the official newspaper of the Workers' Party of Korea, published an article on the 11th titled, ``The only thing that can be gained from warmongering is destruction.''
, South Korean Defense Minister Shin Won-sik and Kim Myung-soo, chairman of the South Korean Joint Chiefs of Staff, have instructed that ``If North Korea provokes, we will immediately and forcefully punish them to the end.''
``These are belligerent nonsense,'' he said, ``He is inciting confrontation, inciting war, and going crazy like a rabid dog.'' After taking office, Defense Minister Shin said, ``There is a possibility that North Korea will carry out a direct provocation.''
He stressed that if provoked, he would "immediately, forcefully, and to the bitter end punish him." In particular, the Rodong Sinmun reports that the United States and South Korea have recently conducted multiple joint joint exercises, and South Korea has also conducted multiple exercises of its own.
``Just looking at the typical war exercises that have taken place over the past month, we can see how much the puppets have become war-crazed.''
Rodong Sinmun also commented on South Korea's suspension of a portion of the September 19 military agreement after North Korea launched a military reconnaissance satellite, saying, ``The puppets are carrying out military countermeasures in the area of the Military Demarcation Line that are reminiscent of the eve of war.
``The situation has entered into a decisive conflict,'' and ``A variety of unmanned and unmanned aerial reconnaissance assets were deployed, the puppet army's firepower was put on standby in forward areas, and comprehensive exercises to defend the northwestern islands were carried out in a frenzy.''
denounced. He added, ``The delusional actions of these puppets who carry the United States on their backs and move toward confrontation and war with the ambition of invading the North are truly foolish, and are petty bravado that will lead to destruction.''
2023/12/11 16:32 KST
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