North Korea launches ICBM provocation following SRBM...Possibility of ``Hwasong-18'' = South Korean report
On the 18th, North Korea launched a ballistic missile believed to be an ICBM (intercontinental ballistic missile). The United States and South Korea held a ``Nuclear Consultative Group (NCG)'' meeting last week and announced that they are planning to engage in joint exercises with North Korea in August next year.
It appears that North Korea has reacted to the agreement to carry out nuclear military exercises in response to North Korea's nuclear and missile threats, and has embarked on a show of force to demonstrate the power of ICBMs that can directly attack the United States.
. South Korea's Joint Chiefs of Staff said, ``At around 8:24 a.m. today, the military captured what is believed to be a long-range ballistic missile launched from the Pyongyang area into the East Sea (Sea of Japan).
” he revealed. The statement went on to say, ``As the military raises its alert status, it is closely sharing information regarding North Korea's ballistic missiles with the U.S. and Japanese authorities and maintaining its full readiness.''
The South Korean military is currently analyzing the flight distance, altitude, and speed of the FLY vehicle. North Korea's latest long-range ballistic missile is currently believed to be an ICBM. Also, North Korea's I
This is the first CBM launch in about five months since July 12th, and the fifth time this year. The Joint Chiefs of Staff said, ``North Korea's ballistic missile was fired at a high angle, and after flying about 1,000 kilometers,
It landed in the Tokai Sea." Based on the flight time of the ballistic missile, experts are analyzing that there is a possibility that it was a Hwasong-18 type missile.
North Korea also launched an SRBM (short-range ballistic missile) at around 10:38 p.m. the previous day, and the Joint Chiefs of Staff said, ``Pyongyang's
"We captured one SRBM (short-range ballistic missile) launched from the Obi into the Sea of Japan."
2023/12/18 15:30 KST
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