President Yoon: ``North Korea will continue its provocations...It's important to have military officers and soldiers' mental strength and combat-like training'' - South Korea
On the afternoon of the 20th, South Korean President Yoon Seok-yeol personally presided over the third meeting of the National Defense Innovation Commission at the presidential office in Yongsan, and discussed core issues for successfully promoting national defense innovation.
Ta. At this meeting, President Yun emphasized, ``North Korea's provocations will continue according to their schedule. We must always be fully prepared.''
The National Defense Innovation Committee is an organization that discusses the ``National Defense Innovation 4.0 Basic Plan'' being promoted by the Ministry of National Defense, and previously held a second meeting in August.
did. The attendees discussed △ plans to strengthen surveillance and reconnaissance capabilities against North Korea's nuclear and missile threats, and △ innovations in the defense acquisition system.
In his opening remarks, President Yoon said, ``North Korea has clearly written into its constitution the prohibition of invasion and nuclear first strike.''
It is the only country in the world that has done so. "He continues to make threatening provocations." President Yoon said, ``At this third innovation committee, we will first discuss the supervision of the South Korean military in preparation for North Korea's nuclear and missile threats.
I would like to see a discussion on a plan to radically strengthen visual reconnaissance capabilities.'' He added, ``We must also come up with a plan to significantly shorten the procedure for acquiring force. Speed in the process of acquiring force means security.
It is safe. And the most important thing is efficiency." President Yun said, ``The acquisition of military forces for security will be strictly differentiated from normal government procurement procedures, and the procedures will be completed with a sense of speed.
``Applying general procedures that take into account fair access, prevention of corruption, etc. to acquired forces is equivalent to deploying weapons that are out of season.''
"This is not only a waste of finances, but also security incompetence." He also noted that the United States and South Korea recently held the second Nuclear Consultative Group (NCG) meeting in Washington, DC.
. President Yoon said, ``The United States and South Korea have materialized an integrated plan to promote restraint on expansion.By building the nuclear infrastructure alliance established in the Washington Declaration in April, the United States will be able to make all decisions regarding the use of expanded restraint forces.''
"We have created a foundation for close cooperation between the United States and South Korea during the nuclear development process," and added, "Compared to the situation where South Korea was protected unilaterally under the U.S. nuclear umbrella, South Korea's role has been significantly strengthened."
President Yoon said, ``We will share our surveillance and reconnaissance capabilities, which will be strengthened in the future, between the United States and South Korea, and utilize the Japan-U.S.-South Korea missile warning real-time sharing system to prevent North Korea's increasingly sophisticated nuclear weapons and missiles.
We must suppress the threat," he added.
2023/12/21 10:36 KST
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