NYT files first lawsuit against MS Open AI... ”Stop illegally copying articles”
The American daily newspaper New York Times (NYT) has filed a copyright infringement lawsuit against Microsoft (MS) and Open AI. Open AI's generative artificial intelligence (AI) chat
GPT claimed that it had copied a large number of NYT articles without permission. According to Reuters and other sources on the 27th (local time), the NYT filed a lawsuit with the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York on the same day.
The complaint states, ``Chat GPT (developed by OpenAI) and MS's AI chatbots illegally copied and used millions of NYT's proprietary copyrighted works.'' Open AI is
MS is the developer of Chat GPT and the largest investor in Open AI. Until now, many news organizations have relied on generative AI development companies such as OpenAI to use AI learning as a news source.
The company has been criticized for using the content without consent. This is the first time that a media company has actually filed a related lawsuit. The NYT said, ``This lawsuit tests the legal limits of AI technology.''
``It could also have a serious impact on the speech industry.'' The NYT says, ``Our stories are produced by the thousands of journalists we employ at a cost of hundreds of millions of dollars a year.''
``The unauthorized use of this material without prior permission or subsequent compensation has caused billions of dollars in damage to the NYT.'' In addition, “NYT work will be discarded for AI learning”
"Using the law threatens the NYT's ability to provide these services." The NYT publishes publications available on the open internet space under a "fair use" clause.
In response to the AI development company's claim that it can be used for I-tech training, the company said, ``As the AI tool may provide the text of the article almost verbatim, it is not subject to fair use provisions.''
I objected. Fair use is a legal concept that allows limited use of copyrighted works without seeking permission from the copyright holder. A typical example is when publications are used for academic research or criticism.
MS did not respond to requests for comment on the lawsuit, CNBC reported. On the same day, MS's stock price decreased by 0.16% from the previous trading day.
2023/12/28 09:48 KST
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