“President Yoon will immediately exercise veto power over special prosecutor law, etc.”…Presidential office teases = South Korea
According to the South Korean presidential office on the 28th, President Yoon Seo-gyeol has requested a reconsideration of the ``Kim Kun-hee special prosecutor law'' and the ``Daejo-dong 5 billion club special prosecutor law'' passed by the National Assembly. subject(
He expressed his intention to immediately exercise his right to veto it. These bills are based on suspicions that President Yoon's wife, Kim Geun-hee, was involved in a stock price manipulation incident at an import dealer, and that political and legal circles were also involved.
This was submitted by the opposition party in order to investigate the suspicion of illegal funding for the development of Daejo Cave. On the same day, Lee Do-eun, chief of public relations for President Yoon's office, held a press conference and said, ``The National Assembly will now appoint a special prosecutor.''
``The president will immediately veto the bills as soon as they are transferred to the government.'' Opposition parties such as the Democratic Party and the Justice Party held this meeting at the plenary session of the Diet on the same day.
These special prosecutors' laws were adopted as exclusive cases (fast track). 180 out of 180 people present were in favor of the Kim Geun-hee special prosecutors law, and 181 people out of 181 people were in favor of the Daejo-dong 5 billion club special prosecutors law.
It was approved and approved. The ruling party ``People's Power'' walked out in opposition to the opposition party's forced vote. A source from the presidential office criticized the matter, saying, ``This special prosecutor created a bill just before the election that was blatantly aimed at the election.''
I judged it. When asked about the possibility of re-discussing after the election, he denied it, saying, ``I want to focus on the current issues.'' In addition, ``Regarding the appointment of a special inspector general and the establishment of a second annexed office, a message from the President's Office
``I have clearly conveyed this to you,'' and added, ``If there are any necessary messages in the future, we will consider them later and make further announcements.'' On the other hand, regarding the announcement of a change in the chief secretary's office on this day,
A source at the presidential office said, ``There have been major changes in the government and party,'' and ``all three of the most important heads of the presidential office have been replaced.'' In addition, ``The ruling party also has an emergency response committee chairman born in 1973 appointed.''
The President's office has become younger, but this means that the presidential office will also be younger." On this day, President Yoon unofficially appointed Lee Kwang-seop, director of the policy office, to replace Kim Dae-gi, secretary general of the presidential office.
Ta. Son Tae-yoon, professor of economics at Yonsei University, has been selected as the director of the policy office. Additionally, Zhang Ho-jin, first vice-minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, was appointed as director of the National Security Office, replacing first vice-minister Jang.
has appointed Kim HONG-KI KYUN (KIM BYO KYUN) as Ambassador to Germany.
2023/12/29 05:29 KST
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