Only 1 in 10 people think this country's society is fair...The National Assembly is the most unfair institution - South Korean opinion poll
It was found that only about 1 in 10 Koreans believe that ``this country's society is fair.'' On the other hand, over 60% of the people thought that ``this country's society is not fair.'' Especially the legislative, judicial, administrative
Of all the major political institutions, the National Diet is seen as the least fair. According to the '2023 Fifth Data Brief' published by the Korea Institute of Public Administration on the 29th, 2,323 people aged 19 to 69 were
As a result of surveying the respondents, only 11.5% answered in the affirmative when asked, ``Do you think society in this country is fair?'' 'Strongly agree' (0.5%) and 'Agree' (1%)
1.0%). On the other hand, the percentage of negative responses reached 62.3% ('disagree' 48.9%, 'strongly disagree' 13.4%). 'Normal' percentage
was 26.2%. Among the nation's major institutions, including the National Assembly, courts, and administrative agencies, the National Assembly (76.0%) was the group most likely to believe that it is unable to carry out its functions fairly.
This was followed by courts (61.4%) and administrative agencies (37.7%). In the item ``State institutions are properly carrying out checks and balances, which are their constitutional obligation.''
Affirmative responses were at a failing grade level for all three institutions. The administrative agency with the highest response rate was only 25.2%, followed by the courts (14.4%) and the National Diet (13.3%), which were only in the 10% range.
In particular, negative perceptions of the courts and the National Diet each exceeded 55%. Thoroughly reflect public opinion in various organizations, including national institutions, local governments, news organizations, and labor unions.
There were also loud voices saying that they had not done so. The National Diet (73.4%) was cited as the institution where the proposals and opinions of the general public are least reflected.
This was followed by courts (64.4%), central government (58.9%), local governments (48.0%), media (44.8%), and labor unions (
40.6%). Furthermore, it was found that the more progressive a person is, the less they agree that the government should serve the interests of the majority of the people.
The percentage of progressives who answered positively about this was 10.6%, less than half the percentage of conservatives (25.9%).
On the other hand, the percentage of negative responses was 69.0% for those with progressive tendencies and 44.2% for those with conservative tendencies. Kim of the National Policy Data Research Center, Korea Institute of Public Administration, who conducted the survey.
Researcher Sung-geun said, ``Through this research, we learned that the general public's perception of public nature is negative.In the future, policy efforts will be needed to make the public's perception positive. Coming
” he proposed.
2023/12/29 20:51 KST
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