Chinese student kidnapped in Utah, US? ...Local police ``Safely protected the area on the 31st'' = Chinese report
A Chinese student who was suspected of being kidnapped in Utah, USA, was safely found and taken into custody on December 31st (local time). According to local police, Chinese student Zhuang
Kai (17) had been missing since December 28th. After he went missing, his parents in China received a call saying their son had been kidnapped and demanded a ransom.
Although details have not been disclosed, the parents are said to have paid a ransom of $80,000 (approximately 11 million yen). Police began searching and found a temporary camp in the mountains near Brigham City on the 31st.
I found Zhuang at the pool. He revealed that he received instructions from the perpetrator to hide at the campsite in question. Police believe that the perpetrators somehow threatened Zhuang and committed suicide.
After ordering Zhuang to go into hiding, the suspect allegedly monitored Zhuang via video call and demanded a ransom from his family.
2024/01/02 16:02 KST
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