中国が “日米韓の対話”に「米のインド太平洋戦略に、日韓は『歩兵』の駒になっている」
China says on “Japan-U.S.-South Korea dialogue” that “Japan and South Korea have become ``infantry'' pawns in the U.S. Indo-Pacific strategy.''
Chinese state media criticized the recent "Indo-Pacific Dialogue" held by Japan, the United States, and South Korea, calling it "a collective attempt to hinder China's development."
On the 8th, China's state-run English-language newspaper "Global Times" stated, "Japan, the United States, and South Korea emphasized peace in the Taiwan Strait during Indo-Pacific dialogue."
Reported. The Global Times quoted Chinese international relations experts as saying, ``The Indo-Pacific Dialogue is an opportunity for Japan and South Korea to become chess pawns in the US' strategy of treating China as a common enemy.''
"This shows that he is being asked to play the role of a low-value piece." Song Zhongping, a Chinese military expert, said, ``The political and military alliance between Japan, the United States, and South Korea will become stronger.''
``This appears to be the result of recognizing China as a common enemy.'' He continued, ``The essence of the Indo-Pacific Dialogue is that the United States will support Japan and South Korea in the Indo-Pacific War.
"It means that the United States has succeeded in turning China into an important 'pawn' in the region," he said, adding, "The United States is trying to induce a joint response to China in order to maintain its interests and hegemony in the region."
'' he explained. Japan, the United States, and South Korea held the ``First Indo-Pacific Dialogue'' in Washington DC on the 5th of this month (local time), and held ``North Korea's nuclear and missile threats and its disregard for international law in the South China Sea.''
They reaffirmed their determination to work together to respond to major threats in the Indo-Pacific, including China's recent actions. The three countries also stated that ``peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait contributes to the security and prosperity of the international community.''
He also confirmed his position that it is essential.
2024/01/08 17:02 KST
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