South Korean Foreign Minister Candidate: ``An absolutely balanced relationship between the alliance (US) and partner (China) cannot be established.''
At a personnel hearing on the 8th, Cho Tae-yeol, a candidate for South Korea's foreign minister, emphasized, ``I believe that relations with China must be handled based on the principle that the South Korea-US alliance will not be compromised.''
Candidate for Foreign Minister Cho said on the same day, ``An alliance is an alliance, and a partner is a partner. I don't think a perfect and absolute balance between the two can be achieved.''
Foreign minister candidate Cho said of China, ``There are elements of conflict, but I think there are more elements of cooperation.'' ``I think we should focus on the elements of cooperation rather than conflict.''
``We will steadily accumulate projects and results to increase substantive cooperation and trust in fields such as economics and human-to-people exchanges.'' Also
“Now if we stand in the shoes of the United States and criticize China and solve economic problems,
In response to a question from an opposition lawmaker who asked, ``Do you think we can do this?'', he answered, ``We cannot do what we can't do, and shouldn't we try to solve as many things that we can do?''
There is such a thing as a ``red line''.'' Regarding value-centered diplomacy, Foreign Minister candidate Cho said, ``The freedom camp and the authoritarian camp are moving toward forming blocs, and the economy, security, and technology are mutually important.
Behind this is a new geopolitical environment that is moving in tandem." He continued, ``Countries that share things like liberal democracy and constitutional values will eventually move in a direction that is in their national interest.''
``As the environment changes, (value-centered diplomacy) is in some ways inevitable.''
2024/01/09 07:30 KST
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