Former leader Lee Nak-yon of the largest opposition party declares ``leaving the party''... also mentions ``launching a new party'' = South Korea
On the 11th, Lee Nak-yeon, former representative of South Korea's largest opposition party, the Democratic Party of Japan, and former prime minister under the previous Moon Jae-in administration, said, ``I will leave the Democratic Party, where I have been for 24 years. Excluded
"I have decided to take a new path of serving South Korea in a new position and in a new way," he said, declaring his departure from the party. Representative Lee former held a press conference at 2:00 pm on the same day at the communication center of the National Assembly, expressing his intention to leave the party.
I made my thoughts clear. Representative Lee Former's press conference was written on six A4 sheets of paper and was titled ``Farewell...Vow for a new future.''
At a press conference, Lee former representative explained his reasons for leaving the party and his thoughts.
Representative Lee former said, ``Many people have come and gone from the Democratic Party, but I have never left the Democratic Party and have always protected it.''
It was extremely difficult for me to leave the Democratic Party, which was my ``spiritual home.'' I thought about it for a long time and hesitated," he said.
He went on to say, ``However, the Democratic Party (now)
"The spirit, values, and dignity of Kim Dae-jung and Roh Moo-hyun, which the Democratic Party was proud of, have disappeared, and violent and low-class words have replaced them."
He criticized the Democratic Party, led by Lee Jae-myung, as a ``one-man party'' and a ``bulletproof party'' where political movements are rampant.''
In addition, Lee Former Representative said that young members of the Diet, including new members who should protect and embody the values of the Democratic Party, are abandoning their candidacy in the National Assembly general election (to be held in April) one after another.
He also mentioned that supporters of the party and those who criticize the party are looked down upon and attacked as targets for condemnation. Furthermore, Representative Lee Former said, ``The current Democratic Party has lost its original spirit and values.
In order to protect and realize dignity, we are moving forward on a new path. I will protect that spirit until the day I leave this world," he said, adding, "More than anything else, it is the crisis in South Korea that drives me like this.
We decided that we cannot overlook this crisis,'' and officially announced the launch of the new party. ``The core of a national crisis is a political crisis,'' Lee former representative said, ``an incompetent government and corrupt politics are
"By preoccupying themselves with their own life-and-death issues, they are only deepening the national crisis, and failing to resolve any of the nation's challenges."
He continued, ``Along with the realization of a multiparty system, we will introduce a separate presidential system through constitutional amendment.''
``I am determined to realize politics without privileges and the rule of law without sanctuaries,'' he added.
2024/01/11 17:00 KST
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