10 days of wedding ceremony, pay attention to Prince Brunei's extravagant wedding
An ultra-lavish royal wedding was held in Brunei, an oil-producing country in Southeast Asia, and it is attracting a lot of attention from the public. On the 11th (local time), local media outlets such as the Borneo Bulletin reported that Brunei
Prince Abdul Martin, 32, the fourth son of King Bolkiah Brunei, and his fiancée Anisha at the Brunei Royal Temple Omar Ali Saifudien in Bandar Seri Begawan, the capital of Brunei.
・It was reported that Isa Kalevik's wedding ceremony will be held. On the same day, the two will hold a traditional royal wedding ceremony, including exchanging marriage vows.
The wedding of the two started on the 7th and is scheduled to take place over 10 days until the 16th.
. The highlight of this wedding will be the reception and wedding parade held at Brunei Royal Palace on the 14th. The reception venue, Istana Nur-Liman Palace, is the world's largest palace with 1,788 rooms.
It's one of the palaces. The event on the 14th was attended by many of the world's top figures and celebrities, including Britain's Prince William, Crown Princess Kate Middleton, and Indonesian President Joko Widodo.
He says he will attend. Prince Martin, born in 1991, is sixth in line to the throne and is unlikely to ascend to the throne, but he is popular for his handsome appearance and career as a polo player. his instagram
Mu has 2.5 million followers. Prince Martin graduated from King's College London and the Royal Military Academy. Active as a polo player, Southeast Asia 2019
He also played for Brunei in the tournament. Currently, he is serving as a major in the Brunei Air Force as a HYERI copter pilot, and is also appearing on the international diplomatic stage.
Anisha, who is marrying Prince Martin, is the granddaughter of King Bolkiah's Special Adviser and runs a fashion and tourism company.
There is. The two have reportedly been dating for several years. Brunei is a country located on the northwestern coast of Borneo, in the central Malay Archipelago. It was a British protectorate from 1888, but became independent in January 1984.
It has adopted an Islamic absolute hereditary monarchy. King Bolkiah ascended the throne in 1968 and has remained on the throne for 55 years. Although it is a small country with a population of 450,000, natural gas and crude oil are produced offshore.
Its gross domestic product (GDP) per capita is $36,000, the second highest in Southeast Asia after Singapore.
2024/01/12 10:39 KST
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