South Korean government hopes Taiwan's next president will lead to peaceful development of China-Taiwan relations
In Taiwan's presidential election held on the 13th of this month, Kiyotoku Lai, who ran from the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DP) and is pro-American and pro-independent, won, and the South Korean government stated, ``Peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait will be maintained.''
We hope that cross-Strait (China-Taiwan) relations will develop peacefully." On the 14th, an official from the South Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) stated, ``There is no change in our government's basic position regarding Taiwan.''
I hope that we will closely monitor the election results in the Bay and continue to increase substantive cooperation with Taiwan in a variety of fields."
Taiwan introduced a direct election system in 1996, and since 2000 the Democratic Progressive Party and the Kuomintang have alternated governments every eight years.
However, this time, the Democratic Party defeated such an ``official'' for the first time and succeeded in holding power for three consecutive years, for a total of 12 consecutive years. As a result, ``the conflict between the United States and China surrounding the Taiwan Strait will become even more serious in the future.''
This view is becoming stronger. Regarding this, a Ministry of Foreign Affairs official said, ``Peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait is essential for peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula, and is also an essential element for peace and prosperity in the region.''
"We hope that peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait will be maintained," he said. Until now, the South Korean government has maintained an unofficial relationship with Taiwan based on its position of "respecting the principle of 'one China.'"
We have maintained a close relationship. However, the Yun Seo-gyul government, which emphasizes solidarity with the freedom camp, has heard voices opposing China's "unilateral attempt to change the status quo by force" in the Taiwan Strait.
The issue of Taiwan was even brought up as an issue of conflict between China and South Korea, as the issue was raised more clearly than ever before.
2024/01/15 16:36 KST
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