National Assembly transfers Itaewon special law to government...President Yoon Seok-yew has 15 days to veto = South Korea
On the 19th, South Korea's National Assembly transferred the Itaewon Disaster Special Act (a special bill to guarantee the rights of victims of the October 29 Itaewon disaster, investigate the truth, and prevent recurrence) to the government. There are objections to the bill.
If the bill is approved, the government can request the National Assembly to reconsider the bill within 15 days, and President Yoon Seo-gyul will decide whether to veto the bill after considering it.
A National Assembly official announced on the same day, ``The Itaewon Disaster Special Act has been transferred to the government.''
The power of the people (ruling party) vetoes the Itaewon special law passed by the National Assembly plenary session on the 9th to President Yoon.
I decided to propose exercising my rights. On the morning of the 18th, Yoon Jae-ok, the leader of the House of Power, said after a general meeting of members of the National Assembly that the Democratic Party (opposition) will pass this law fairly and harmoniously between the ruling and opposition parties.
Rather than hoping that the law would be dealt with, we judge that the president was induced to exercise his right to request reconsideration. It was judged that the intention was to inflict a political blow by exercising the right to request reconsideration and to continue to make the general election a political battle.
” he revealed. The power of the people is ``The handling of the special law, which includes contents such as the composition of a special investigation committee for social disasters, ignores the practice of handling matters based on agreement between the ruling and opposition parties, and
"The matter was handled exclusively by the party," he said, pointing out procedural problems. Meanwhile, the Democratic Party of Japan urged it to be promulgated immediately. Representatives of the Democratic Party, along with Lee Jae-myung, held a meeting at the National Assembly on this day.
At the Supreme Committee, he criticized the government and the ruling party, saying, ``There is no end to the politics of refusal by the government and the ruling party.If the whole thing is not rejection, then what is this government going to do?'' On this day, the Democratic Party members also visited Yongsan.
He held a press conference in front of the presidential office and called for the bill to be promulgated. The 11 bereaved families of the Itaewon disaster had their heads shaved the day before at the War Memorial Square in front of the Yongsan presidential office, denouncing the power of the people who proposed the veto.
On October 29th, the Itaewon Tragedy Survivors Council and other 658 civil society organizations, including religious, civic, and labor groups, said, ``The power of the people has awakened in their decision to veto the Itaewon Tragedy Special Act, and President Yoon is law
Promulgate the law immediately." Since the bill has been transferred to the government, President Yoon is now considering it. If we exercise our veto power on this bill, a total of 9 bills will be passed since the inauguration of the Yun Seok-Yue government.
veto power over proposed legislation. This is the largest use of the veto power by any government since democratization.
2024/01/19 21:04 KST
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