北朝鮮「安保理の “北朝鮮への対応”協議」を強く糾弾
North Korea strongly denounces “Security Council talks on how to deal with North Korea”
North Korea stated, ``We strongly condemn the United Nations Security Council's non-official discussions on topics such as North Korea's hypersonic missile launches.''
In a statement dated the 20th, North Korea's Ministry of Foreign Affairs referred to the United Nations Security Council and said, ``The fact that the sovereign rights of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea were raised as an issue and submitted for discussion is itself
"This is extremely regrettable and we strongly condemn it," North Korea's state-run Korean Central News Agency reported on the 21st. The United Nations Security Council will discuss “Non-proliferation and North Korea” on the 18th of this month (local time).
Non-official discussions were held on the subject. During the talks, it is said that the general issue of recent provocations by North Korea was discussed.
North Korea's Ministry of Foreign Affairs said, ``The test launch of a hypersonic missile is a threat to neighboring countries.''
Even though it does not pose a threat, the United States has brought this up to the Security Council as a matter for discussion." He continued, ``The United States does not stop there, but also plans to deploy nuclear-powered aircraft carrier attack groups to waters surrounding the Korean Peninsula.
"He ordered them to return to the area and conducted provocative and threatening joint military exercises with their followers." ``If the Security Council sincerely feels its responsibility for international peace and stability, then it must
"The deliberate and premeditated military provocations of the United States and South Korea, which are pushing the regional stability environment to the brink of conflict, must be questioned and held accountable," he added.
2024/01/22 07:27 KST
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