Last year's ”kimchi export volume” was the highest ever... Trade balance ”deficit” decreased = South Korea
As the K-content craze rages around the world, South Korea's kimchi exports increased last year, hitting a record high.
According to import and export statistics from the Korean Customs Service on the 21st, South Korea's kimchi export volume in 2023 will be 40,040.
The total was 41 tons, an increase of 7.1% from the previous year's 41,118 tons. Kimchi export value was $155,617,000 (approximately 23,055 million yen), an increase of 10.5% from the previous year. just,
It fell just short of the previous maximum amount of $159,915,000 (approximately 23,692 million yen). Kimchi export volume and export value have each increased by more than 50% compared to five years ago.
is adding to it. In addition, kimchi exports increased to 92 countries last year, the highest number ever. The combined export value of Japan, the largest exporter, and the United States, the second largest exporter, is 100 million dollars (approximately 14,815 million dollars).
million yen), accounting for 65% of the total. Exports exceeded 10,000 tons for the United States and 20,000 tons for Japan. An official from the South Korean Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Livestock and Food said, ``Kimchi exports increased last year.
The biggest reason for this is that K-content has become known to a large number of people.'' He continued, ``It has spread considerably in the United States and Europe, and it has not spread as much in Asian regions such as Hong Kong and Taiwan, which used to be exporters.
There was no change," he said. Meanwhile, South Korea's kimchi import value last year was $163,576,000 (approximately 24,234 million yen), a decrease of 3.4%. As a result, the kimchi trade
The balance of payments was a deficit of $7,959,000 (approximately $1,179 million), a decrease of more than $20 million (approximately 2,963 million yen). Most of the kimchi that South Korea imports is from China.
It is domestically produced.
2024/01/22 07:59 KST
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