``Defendant Jung Yoo-jung was forced to submit a statement of remorse to show her sincerity''...Prosecution ``The audio recording should be submitted and the death penalty should be sentenced'' = South Korea
Prosecutors argued that Jung Yoo-jung, who was sentenced to life in prison for brutally murdering a woman of the same age and abandoning her body, must be sentenced to death at the first appeals court hearing. So
The court then presented as evidence an audio recording of the family meeting in which defendant Chung wrote a letter of remorse in an attempt to show his sincerity, even if it was by force.
On the 24th, the prosecution held an appeal hearing for Jeon at the Criminal Division 2-3 of the Busan High Court.
At the first trial, he requested the court to sentence him to death and explained the reasons for his appeal. The prosecutor's office said, ``The defendant committed the crime with no regard for human life, and after acquiring sufficient knowledge about murder, he developed a detailed plan to commit the crime.''
The method of the crime was also brutal. Furthermore, since he has consistently made excuses and has no room for improvement, we must sentence him to the death penalty to prevent him from repeating the crime."
In particular, the prosecution used audio recordings of Jeong's interview with his family in the detention center as evidence that they should sentence him to death.
, filed the file as new evidence. The recording includes things like, ``I have to write a letter of remorse to show my sincerity, even if I force myself to do so,'' and my grandfather, ``Before the police raid my house, I have to write a letter of remorse.''
I should have cleaned up my room," Jeong said, expressing regret after learning that this crime is punishable by the death penalty or life imprisonment.
Prosecutors have revealed that there are. Defendant Jeong submitted a statement of remorse to the court for about 10 seconds in the first trial. At the next trial, evidence will be examined to play back some of this recording.
It has become. When presenting evidence to the prosecution, Chung's defense attorney requested the court, ``Due to private conversations between family members, we would like the evidence to be investigated in private.''
Defendant Jeong, who appealed the first trial's harsh sentence, withdrew his claim that he was mentally and physically weak.
The defense attorney said, ``Although we have submitted psychiatric treatment materials, they are not an essential part of this case, and we would like them to be taken into consideration in sentencing.''
The purpose is to Defendant Chung indicated that he is considering reaching an agreement with the victim and submitting a deposit. The next court hearing will be held on the 28th of next month.
2024/01/24 20:58 KST
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