Arrest warrant dismissed for activist arrested during subway boarding demonstration = South Korea
In Seoul, South Korea, an activist who was taken away by police when a disability rights group boarded the subway to demonstrate was subject to an arrest warrant. However, the Seoul Central District Court
On the 4th, the arrest warrant was dismissed as there was no risk of destruction of evidence or flight. The person who applied for the arrest warrant was Yoo Jin-woo of the National Solidarity for the Elimination of Discrimination against Persons with Disabilities (Japan Disability Federation). Mr. Yoo said on the 22nd of last month,
He was arrested red-handed for obstructing train service at Dongdaemun Station on Seoul Subway Line 4, refusing to get off at the next station, and assaulting station staff. Police suspect the suspect of violating the Railway Safety Act and causing bodily harm.
A warrant of arrest was filed against him, but the court rejected the request. On the 22nd, the Japan Federation of Disabled Persons announced that they were involved in an accident that occurred in 2001 at Oido Station on subway line 4 in Seoul, when a lift carrying a disabled couple fell.
To mark the anniversary of his death, a subway demonstration was held to protest. The Seoul Transportation Corporation claimed that the up-bound train on Line 4 was delayed by about 15 minutes during the All-Disabled Federation boarding demonstration during commuting hours. In addition to Mr. Yoo, the police also
Lee Hyun-sook, representative of Solidarity for the Elimination of Discrimination against Persons with Disabilities, was temporarily detained, but released the day before.
2024/01/25 06:04 KST
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