韓国与党議員「米国に “原子力潜水艦開発”の同意を得るべき」…「金正恩氏に期待してはならない」
South Korean ruling party member: ``We should get the US' consent to develop nuclear submarines''... ``We should not expect much from Kim Jong-un''
Ahn Cheol-soo, a member of South Korea's ruling party People's Power, argued, ``We should obtain consent to develop nuclear submarines, like Australia, through a revision of the Korea-U.S. nuclear power agreement.''
Ta. Rep. Ahn wrote on Facebook on the 29th, ``We must break away from the meaningless delusion that ``North Korea will denuclearize'' and the false peace offensive.''
Regarding the development of nuclear submarines, Rep. Ahn argued, ``North Korea has already announced that it is building a nuclear submarine, so it has enough reason to persuade the United States once again.''
Rep. Ahn said, ``We should prepare for emergencies by obtaining consent for reprocessing used nuclear fuel, like Japan does,'' adding, ``Currently, used nuclear fuel is temporarily stored at nuclear power plants.
``This is an urgent issue because there are not many vacant seats anymore.'' He continued, ``The current assistant secretary-level NCG (nuclear consulting)
Nuclear Planning Group (NPG) is a NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) ministerial level NPG (nuclear planning group).
We must raise its position and role to the level of an organization (nuclear planning group)."
"We must move beyond the level of nuclear power-sharing and advance to the level of creative nuclear sharing." He added, ``North Korea has advanced its nuclear capabilities through numerous nuclear tests,'' and ``ICBM (intercontinental
It has advanced game-changing weapon systems such as ballistic missiles (ballistic missiles), SLBMs (submarine-launched ballistic missiles), and solid fuel-based hypersonic missiles, which can be deployed on the Korean Peninsula in the event of an emergency.
"They are plotting to neutralize the military power of the South Korea-US alliance." Rep. Ahn said, ``Rather than hoping for goodwill from North Korean General Secretary Kim Jung Eun, we must approach the Korean peninsula.''
We must firmly recognize the security crisis that currently exists and build a new, strong security system.''As North Korea's nuclear sophistication continues to advance rapidly, Japan's political community is unable to take action on domestic matters such as general elections for members of the National Assembly.
"We must not be buried only in politics," he emphasized.
2024/01/31 07:37 KST
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