Rep. Yoon Mi-hyang's pro-North Korean remarks draw criticism...at South Korea's inter-Korean relations debate
``We should accept North Korea's view of war,'' and ``North Korea's view of war is a just war view.'' At a debate on inter-Korean relations hosted by South Korean independent lawmaker Yoon Mi-hyang, pro-North Korean voices were expressed. A departure
He has been criticized by political circles and public opinion for his repeated statements. The ruling party criticized the debate hosted by Yoon, calling it ``inappropriate given the tense situation on the Korean Peninsula.''
On January 24th, Yun co-hosted an event at the National Diet Building with 20 civic groups, including Kyorehana, Citizen Solidarity for the National Security Law Article 7 Abolition Movement, and the Ethnic Committee of the Inter-Korean Civil Exchange Council.
A discussion session was held on the theme of ``How to understand fundamental changes in inter-Korean relations, understand the crisis on the Korean Peninsula, and seek a peaceful solution.''
Kim from Busan Peaceful Unification Center Hana appeared as the first speaker of the discussion.
・Chairman Kwang-soo said, ``I believe that complete peace can only be achieved on the Korean peninsula by overcoming division, and that if war is unavoidable, although it is the last resort, a war of unification will occur and that
"If we can create peace as a result of war, we need to make a major shift in our understanding that we must accept that view of war." He also said, ``My view of peace on the divided Korean peninsula is exactly like this.
"I believe that we must have a view of peace that is similar to that of the United States." He described North Korea's view of war as a ``just war view.''
Hanshin University's Jang Chang-jun Center for Peaceful Unification Policy Research attended the discussion.
``North Korea seems to have expressed its determination to respond to war,'' he said, adding, ``If I had to express my opinion, I think it would be correct to say that the threshold for war has lowered considerably.''
He continued, ``The crisis of war on the Korean Peninsula should be seen as real.It is now possible to conclude that the real cause is not North Korea's fault, but the US-South Korea alliance.
He added, ``I think we need to seek superior awareness and action to eliminate the causes of the war crisis.'' These statements are based on the war on the Korean peninsula.
The crisis is interpreted to mean that the root cause of the crisis is not North Korea's provocations, but rather the U.S.-South Korea alliance. The ruling party ``People's Power'' denounced the debate as a ``pro-North Korea seminar'' and harshly criticized Yun.
It was difficult. In a commentary on the day, Kang Sabin, the party's full-time deputy spokesperson, said, ``It was no different from a pro-North Korean gathering,'' adding, ``At this point in time, when the level of North Korea's provocations against the Republic of Korea is increasing day by day,...
If an anti-national act of blindly following North Korea is carried out, it could have a fatal impact on national security. Members of the National Assembly of the Republic of Korea are brazenly committing pro-North Korean acts that shake the country's view of the nation.
I can't help but feel angry about the situation." Unification Minister Kim Yong-ho also said in his speech at an event held at a movie theater in Yongsan on the same day, ``In the name of academic freedom, a free Republic of Korea has been achieved.''
"We cannot accept this as an anti-national act that damages our achievements and identity," he said, adding, "This is in response to North Korea's propaganda and is fully in line with North Korea's intentions."
"It's an irrational act, and I don't think people with common sense would be able to accept it." In response, Rep. Yoon said in an interview with a certain media outlet, ``Is it possible to have peace without armed conflict?
"This is a forum held to discuss methods," he said, adding, "There has been criticism that we accept North Korea's position, but there is no reason for that."
2024/02/01 05:47 KST
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