Illegal drug crime, reward of ``up to 56 million yen'' for reporting in the public interest = South Korea
In South Korea, people can now receive a reward of up to 500 million won (approximately 56 million yen) if they make a public interest report regarding illegal drug crimes.
On the 8th, South Korea's National Rights and Interests Commission announced that 17 laws, including the ``Special Act on Prevention of Illegal Trafficking in Narcotics,'' should be passed to the public that is subject to public interest reporting.
A bill to amend the Whistleblower Protection Act, which will be added to the list of laws that cover acts that infringe on profits, was passed at the plenary session on the 1st of this month.''From now on, people who conceal profits from illegal drug crimes will be required to be reported. if
"They can receive protection and support in accordance with the law." "Acts that infringe on the public interest" are acts that violate public health, safety, the environment, the interests of consumers, fair competition, and similar public interests.
Refers to acts that infringe on the public interest and are subject to administrative penalties such as legal penalties or license revocation as stipulated in the Whistleblower Protection Act.
Particularly recently, due to the occurrence of illegal drug incidents, reporting has become more active, and whistleblowers have been protected and compensated.
As the need for compensation has been discussed, the “Bill for Amendment to the Whistleblower Protection Act” was recently passed by the Diet, and 17 laws, including the “Special Law for Prevention of Illegal Trafficking in Narcotics”, have been changed into laws related to whistleblowing.
added to. As a result, if you report violations of the Special Act on Prevention of Illegal Trafficking in Narcotics, such as concealment of profits from illegal drug crimes, you will be able to receive protection and compensation as a public whistleblower.
can. In addition, the personal information of whistleblowers will not be leaked without their consent, and they can receive protective measures from the National Rights and Interests Commission regarding adverse measures and risks to their lives and bodies as a result of reporting.
In addition, penalties for the whistleblower's own misconduct related to the report will be reduced or waived. On the other hand, public interest reporting may bring significant financial benefits to public institutions.
If the loss is prevented or the public interest is promoted, the person can receive a reward of up to 500 million won.
Jeong SUNG-YOON, executive director of the People's Rights and Interests Commission, said, ``This
We hope that the scope of protection for whistleblowers will be expanded through the revision of the Whistleblower Protection Act, and that the prosecution of acts that violate the public interest, such as illegal drug crimes, will become more active."

2024/02/08 16:03 KST
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