Theft incidents at unmanned stores are rapidly increasing... Police respond by strengthening preventive diagnosis activities = South Korea
In South Korea, it has been found that theft incidents that only target unmanned stores are on the rise. According to the Gyeonggi Southern Police Agency on the 10th, the number of unmanned store thefts will increase in 2021 (
While there were 698 cases in 2022 (January to December), the number nearly doubled to 1,363 cases in 2022 (January to December).
Police statistics related to unmanned store theft will be temporarily collected from March 2021 to December 2022.
It was collected. For this reason, although there are no statistical data available before or after that time, looking at the fact that new unmanned stores have been popping up all over our surroundings until recently, there were similar crimes last year as well.
It is estimated that the number has increased significantly. Looking at the current status of theft suspects at unmanned stores by age (second half of 2022), there are 104 minors (50 juvenile offenders) and 385 adults, 21.2% of the total.
was a minor. In addition to thefts, incidents such as drunken people vandalizing the interiors of unmanned stores, or people relieving themselves inside stores (rather than in the restrooms) and then running away, also occur frequently.
In line with this, the police are striving to prevent crime by using the Crime Prevention and Diagnosis Team (CPO) to select unmanned stores where crimes are likely to occur, strengthen patrols, and include them as targets for joint patrols with partner organizations.
Ru. A police official said, ``With the increase in the number of unmanned stores, store owners are being encouraged to protect themselves by signing up for security services, installing and adjusting the angle of security cameras, and removing deposits from entrances and exits to ensure internal visibility.
We recommend that security systems be put in place."
2024/02/10 20:52 KST
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