South Korean Foreign Minister held “telephone conversation” with Indonesian Foreign Minister…hoping for cooperation in strengthening the “Special Strategic Partnership”
On the 13th, South Korean Foreign Minister Cho Tae-yeol held a telephone conversation with Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi to give his opening greetings.
According to the South Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Ministry of Foreign Affairs), Foreign Minister Cho said,
We look forward to working closely together to strengthen our special strategic partnership."
He added, ``I hope that a great leader will be elected through the Indonesian presidential election scheduled for the 14th,'' adding that cooperation between the two countries will be further strengthened under the new government.
I hoped that. Foreign Minister Cho said, ``Both countries will work together to smoothly promote various joint cooperation projects,'' and expressed his hope that Korean companies will continue to contribute to Indonesia's growth and development.
He called for the creation of a more friendly corporate environment in which employees can work together. Regarding the North Korea issue, Foreign Minister Cho also expressed concern about North Korea's repeated provocations and threatening statements, and expressed particular concern about the importance of peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula and in the world.
He emphasized the importance of the international community sending a clear message in order to prevent military cooperation between Russia and North Korea that threatens the United Nations. Foreign Minister Cho then went on to state that Indonesia was a member of ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) last year.
He highly praised Indonesia's leadership in sending out a resolute and united message to North Korea as the country's chairman, and said, ``We hope that Indonesia will continue to play an active role in helping North Korea halt its provocations and return to denuclearization.''
” he said. Meanwhile, as this year marks the 35th anniversary of Korea-ASEAN dialogue relations, Foreign Minister Cho expressed his desire for Indonesia's support and cooperation in establishing the "Korea-ASEAN Comprehensive Strategic Partnership."
I asked for it. In response, Foreign Minister Marsudi said, ``Last year marked the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations between our two countries, and we will continue to deepen our cooperation toward the future, building on the relationship that has been built to date.''
In particular, we would like to actively implement the Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA) that came into force at the beginning of last year, expand public interest and investment in both countries, and advance various cooperative projects.
I hope so.”
2024/02/14 08:06 KST
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