Former Minister of Justice Cho Kuk: ``The prosecutors who only investigate the wives of former Presidents Moon Jae-in and Lee Jae-myung, who are representatives of the Democratic Party, are conducting election campaigns.'' ... ``Their spouse, Kim Kun-hee, is not even summoned.'' = South Korea
Minister of Justice Cho Kuk, who announced the launch of the tentatively named 'Cho Kuk New Party' ahead of the April 10th general election, is accused by prosecutors of Kim Jong-suk, the spouse of former President Moon Jae-in (Moon Jae-in).
Regarding the investigation into Mrs. Kim Jong-sook and the indictment of Mrs. Kim Hye-kyung, who is the spouse of the Democratic Party (opposition) representative along with Lee Jae-myung, ``the prosecution is conducting an election campaign.''
criticized. Minister Cho said at a press conference at the Chollabuk-do Special Self-governing Province Assembly on the 16th, ``At least in the past, people separated from progressive and conservative groups and things like this only happened after the general election.
Ta. "Let's find out if in the history of our country's prosecutors, there has ever been a case where the wife of a former president or the wife of an opposition party leader has been investigated and prosecuted in this way."
Minister Cho said, ``This kind of thing must be condemned.The prosecution will prevent Mrs. Kim Geun-hee from being attacked.''
"For this reason, we are making sure that the media continues to cover the former first lady and others." In addition, regarding the German Motors stock price manipulation incident, ``Mrs.
Despite the fact that the prosecutor's report stated that he had earned approximately 258.85 million yen (approximately 258.85 million yen), he was neither investigated nor summoned. There is also footage of the Dior bag being given and received. Trick coverage is current
"Even though it's not illegal under the law, they're investigating it as a home invasion." He continued, ``I can't say anything about the prosecutors' exercise of investigative and indictment powers, but the prosecutorial powers in South Korea are being misused.
I think he is flattering his spouse, Mrs. Kim Geun-hee.'' He also revealed the background behind the formation of the new party and his thoughts on the future path.
Minister Cho said, ``I was worried a lot as I watched the one and a half years of the Yun Seo-gyul (Yun Seok-yeoul) administration, in which the public life and economy collapsed.
There are three and a half years left until the presidential election in 2019, and I don't think it would be appropriate to wait this long and change the current situation."
He continued, ``After three and a half years of dissatisfaction and depression, the roots of the Republic of Korea will fall away.
cormorant. We must mobilize all political and legal means to bring the current government to an end as soon as possible." He added, ``We decided that we needed someone who would move faster and stronger in a way different from the Democratic Party.
Ta. I believe that it is only with such people that the government will be able to come to an early end," he added. ``As the party has yet to be launched, it has yet to be determined whether it will be a regional party or a proportional party.''
"I haven't," he said carefully.
2024/02/16 20:58 KST
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