MS Bingで「独島」を英語で検索したら…「日本の島」という衝撃的な結果=韓国
When searching for “Dokdo” in English on MS Bing, the shocking result was “Japanese islands” = South Korea
In Japan and the United States, if you search for "Dokdo" (Dokdo, Japanese name: Takeshima) on Microsoft's (MS) search engine "Bing", the results will be "Takeshima" and "Japanese islands".
Ta. On the 21st, Professor Seo Kyeong-deok of Sungshin Women's University in South Korea, who is famous as an ``anti-Japanese professor,'' posted on SNS, ``If you search for ``Dokdo'' in the United States, the main photo will appear.
"The results were surprising, with the name ``Liancourt Rocks'' listed, and the description introducing ``Japanese islands.''
Professor Seo continued, ``When I searched for ``Dokdo'' in Japan, it was written as ``Takeshima,'' which is claimed by Japan, and the explanation section said ``It is located in the Sea of Japan, which is disputed between Japan and South Korea.''
"Island," he said. On the other hand, when searching for ``Dokdo'' through MS Bing in South Korea, ``Dokdo'' and ``Dokdo (East Sea) Reef'' are introduced.
Professor Seo said, ``Dokdo is clearly Korean territory in terms of history, geography, and international law, so it is not a disputed or disputed area with Japan at all.''
We will send an email of protest and demand prompt correction so that netizens can obtain correct information about Dokdo."
2024/02/21 16:19 KST
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