≪Chinese TV Series NOW≫ “Like a Flower Blooming in the Moon” 5EP1, Zhou Laosi, who protected Zhou Ying, is killed by Hu Yingmei = Synopsis/Spoiler
*Contains plot summary and spoilers. In the Chinese TV Series "Like a Flower Blooming on the Moon" 5EP1, Zhou Lao Si, who was protecting Zhou Ying, was defeated by Hu Yingmei.
It depicts him being killed by a man. Zhou Laosi decided to leave the Wu Family Dongyuan and left, telling Zhou Ying to go to Shanghai to meet Shen Xingyi.
Afterwards, Zhou Ying meets Hu Yingmei in front of Wu Nian's grave, and Hu Yingmei poisons the jujube cake and tries to kill Zhou Ying, but he realizes that Wu Nian was the one who ate the jujube cake that day.
I told him. Hu Yongmei, who had had murderous intentions towards Zhou Ying from an early stage, pushed Zhou Ying to the ground and confessed that she had poisoned the jujube cakes to kill Zhou Ying, and attacked her to avenge her father's enemy. There
Suddenly, Zhou Laosi appeared and kicked Hu Yingmei away. Zhou Lao Si had hidden the items he had stolen in a hut near the tomb, and when he came to retrieve them, he witnessed a fight between Zhou Ying and Hu Yingmei.
was. While the two of them took their eyes off Hu Yingmei, Hu Yingmei tried to stab Zhou Ying with the short sword that Zhou Laosi had stolen. Zhou Lao Si immediately tried to protect Zhou Ying and was stabbed in the chest, dying immediately. Zhou Laosi
Hu Yongmei, who had killed him, also committed suicide in front of Wu Nian's grave. After Zhou Laoshi's funeral, Zhou Ying decided to go to Shanghai to visit Shen Xingyang. Mr. Zheng also believes that Zhou Ying is his happiness.
He encouraged her to go looking for him. Before departing, Zhou Ying came to Zhao Baishi's former to request leave. At that time, Wu Li realized that Zhao Baishi's attitude was different between himself and Zhou Ying.
That's what I realized.
2024/02/21 20:11 KST
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