Former Prime Ministers Dyeong Se-kyun and Kim Bu-keun say, ``Both Democratic Party-sanctioned issues need to be corrected by Representative Lee Jae-myung.'' - South Korea
On the 21st, former Prime Ministers Jeong Sye-kyun and Kim Bu-kyum, former members of the opposition camp, both talked about the issue of the fairness of the Democratic Party's (opposition) official recognition, saying, ``Lee Jae-myo.''
Representative Ng (Lee Jae-myung) must correct the current situation.'' This afternoon, Prime Minister Chung Se-kyun and Kim Fu-ken issued a statement saying, ``The current approval of the Democratic Party of Japan is causing many problems.''
"There is," he emphasized. The two former prime ministers said, ``We have both said in the past that the Democratic Party's recognition must adhere to the principles of transparency, fairness, and being conducted from the people's perspective.Representative Lee.
"I cannot help but feel anxious that the system's official recognition, democratic principles, and objectivity, which have been emphasized many times, are being undermined." He added, ``The people's lives are very difficult.Democracy is under threat.''
Ru. In order to check the incompetence and irresponsibility of the prosecutor's office and present critical policy alternatives, the Democratic Party must win the general election. Official recognition is the best on this winning path.
"This is an important process," he said. Both former Prime Ministers said, ``If the party splits during the recognition process and loses mutual trust, it will also lose the hearts of the people.
I will do it. "During the remaining three years of the Yun Seok-Yue prosecutor's government, the Democratic Party will become a criminal to the people," he warned. He continued, ``I hope that the party leadership, including Chairman Lee, will return to their basics.''
. We must not focus on small gains in order to win the general election. Starting now, the party must certify itself in a way that is transparent, fair, and meets the needs of the people. Otherwise, both the Democratic Party and the Democratic Party will
"We will not be able to gain the support of the people in the general election." Both former prime ministers said, ``Together, we will provide even the smallest support for the Democratic Party's victory in the general election.However, the party leadership, including Representative Lee,
If we don't correct the current situation, it will be difficult for us to play a role in contributing to victory in the general election." ``Once again, we want to see justice in which Democratic Party members, supporters, and the people of the Democratic Party can come together as one.''
We respectfully ask for proper and authorized management."
2024/02/21 20:48 KST
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