キム・デホ、姪・甥っ子との茶目っ気競争…お年玉のためにソンミの「24 hours」ダンス披露
Kim Dae-ho competes with his nieces and nephews...Sunmi's ``24 Hours'' dance for New Year's gift
Kim Dae-ho, the pride of Yangpyeong, decorates his hometown with brocade. MBC variety show “I Live Alone (Single Man’s Happy Life)” will be broadcast on the 23rd at 11:10 p.m.
Kim Dae-ho will be seen spending Lunar New Year with his extended family. Kim Dae-ho arrived at Yangpyeong Station early in the morning and said, ``I'm here to celebrate Lunar New Year,'' and got into the car of his father, who had come to pick him up, to perform the ritual.
Visit your uncle's restaurant. A rare scene of three generations performing a chare (ceremony to honor their ancestors) and visiting a grave will also be shown. The sight of a large family with a smooth division of labor and undivided attention is eye-opening.
Concentrate. After the tea ceremony, the extended family is divided into generations and asks about each other's current situation while having a meal. Kim Dae-ho's extended family looks at the MBC Entertainment Awards Newcomer Award medals and trophies.
is concentrated. Kim Dae-ho said, ``Unexpectedly (the reaction) was so explosive that I was a little panicked,'' as Kim Dae-ho watched the Rookie of the Year trophy being handed over to his family like a wave.
Now that I think about it, I can see Kim Dae-ho competing with his nieces and nephews to receive New Year's gifts.
Captured and attracts attention. Kim Dae-ho brings back the ``24 Hours'' stage that he performed at the opening of the Entertainment Awards, and expresses his ambition (?) for New Year's gifts.
Meanwhile, Kim Dae-ho's big family festival can be seen on ``I Live Alone'', which will be broadcast on February 23rd at 11:10 pm.

2024/02/22 13:55 KST
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